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Chicago History Book Club | Blood Runs Green

  • Edgewater Branch Library | Virtual Meeting via Zoom 6000 North Broadway Chicago, IL, 60660 United States (map)
Dr. Patrick Cronin

Dr. Patrick Cronin

Who was Dr. Patrick Cronin and why did his murder change Chicago?

In the years before his death, Dr. Cronin had been a member of Clan na Gael, a secret Irish Republican organization intent on freeing Ireland from Britain's grasp. Concerned with the group's increasingly violent methods and suspected embezzlement, Cronin publicly accused the leaders. He disappeared on May 4, 1889, and was found ten days later, naked and stuffed into a sewer in the city's "hinterlands", the present-day intersection of Broadway and Foster. By the time of the trial in October, Chicago had become split over where Irish-Americans owed their loyalty. The newspapers' sensational stories of corruption, secret societies, and grisly details rocked the city and became an international scandal. 

Join us for a Zoom discussion of this piece of Chicago's true crime history. Blood Runs Green will be available at the Circulation Desk or can be sent to other branches for pick-up. This program is a partnership with the Edgewater Historical Society and Friends of the Edgewater Library.


How to Attend: Please register here. You will receive a link to the event that is unique to you. Please do not share your link; instead, ask others who may be interested to come to this listing and register. By registering for this event, you agree to abide by the Library Use Guidelines.

Earlier Event: October 26
The No Book Club October