Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Friends of a Library group?

Friends of the Library are nonprofit groups that support libraries in their communities. Although they raise funds and enhance the library’s visibility with programming and in other ways, Friends’ groups are separate nonprofit entities run entirely by volunteers. They are not part of the management of the library system or their affiliated branch. Read more.

What does Friends of the Edgewater Library do?

Read our mission and some of the programs and activities that support the Edgewater Branch of the Chicago Public Library. Review our Membership page for details. See our Top 10 Reasons to join Friends of the Edgewater Library.

When was the Friends of the Edgewater Library formed?

Planning for Friends of the Edgewater Library began in late 1989 and the group was officially incorporated on May 6, 1990 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We’re fairly certain that we’re the second oldest Friends’ group in Chicago. Friends of the Rogers Park Library is the oldest, which was formed in the 1980s but was not continuous.

There are seven active Friends of the Library groups in Chicago. Six are on the North Side of the city: Edgewater, Rogers Park, Bezazian (Uptown), Albany Park, Logan Square, and Northtown. There is one South Side Friends’ group – in Hyde Park supporting the Blackstone Library. 

Read how Friends of the Edgewater Library supports others in beginning their own Friends’ groups.

How many Friends of the Library groups are there in Chicago?

What are some ways Friends of the Edgewater Library is supporting the library and

  • Purchased furniture for the Teen Room, audio-visual equipment for the Betty A. Barclay Community Room, supplies, and other equipment.

  • Provide funds for the library’s Summer Challenge program for children.

  • Purchased film license. Purchased Zoom video conferencing account for current programs and meetings; library staff also uses the account (e.g., book discussions, writing group).

  • Offer programs to the general public, and fund honorariums. See video gallery of programs.

What kinds of programs do Friends of the Edgewater Library offer?

We partner with groups or individuals to produce programs that promote reading and encourage a lifelong curiosity for knowledge. Such programs center on books and authors, Chicago literary figures, historical or literary events and anniversaries, and Chicago-related issues past or present. 

Within those parameters, our goal is to deliver programs that reflect the community’s needs and interests while promoting a better understanding of the many cultures within our neighborhood and the city at large.


Examples of programs we held are historical portrayals of Rachel Carson, Louisa May Alcott and Florence Nightingale. We’ve also addressed topics such as seasonal cooking, birdwatching, and the environment. In 2020, we commemorated the 100thanniversary of the 19th Amendment Programs with actors playing the roles of Illinois suffragettes. 

Other programs were with authors Mikki Kendall, Nina Barrett, Elliott Gorn and Cyndee Schaffer, as well as presentations about authors such as Nelson Algren and Herman Melville.

We also talk about books. The No Book Club, currently virtual, began in August 2016 and is our longest-running program. At The No Book Club, participants talk informally for a few minutes about ANY book they’re reading or read. Meetings are held 1-2 p.m. on the last Monday of the month except during May, November, and December.

Our meetings are held 10-11 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of the month, except in May and November when they’re held on the third Saturday; we generally do not meet in December. The meetings are held on the Zoom platform.

When does Friends of the Edgewater Library meet?

Current committees are Book Sale, Bylaws, Community Relations, Communications, Membership, and Program.

What are the group’s committees?

Most of our funding came from our used book sales. We aren’t conducting any sales currently nor accepting book donations. Membership dues, donations, and program sponsorship by local businesses or individuals make up the rest of our income.

How does Friends of the Edgewater Library raise funds?

Please consider joining for as little as $10 a year – although there are several other membership levels. Other ways to support us are to join a committee, make a donation, or sponsor a particular program. Read more. Your contributions will help enhance the library and educate and engage the community.

How can I support Friends of the Edgewater Library?