Our friends at the Friends of the Logan Square Library have a question for you.
What are you reading now? We recommend picking up a copy of “Make Me A City” by Jonathan Carr. We will be interviewing the author about the book on Sunday, September 20 at noon.
Make Me a City begins with a game of chess—and on the outcome of that game hinges the destiny of Chicago.
A collection of compelling characters, many with familiar names, witness the expansion of the city, both horizontally and vertically. Their voices deliver the many strands of this novel, which are woven together to create the amazing tapestry that is Chicago. The book weaves together fiction and non-fiction to deliver a fascinating history of Chicago, tracing its rise from a frontier settlement to an industrial colossus.
Join the Discussion
Sunday, September 20, 12 Noon
Click on this link to join the Zoom Meeting
Go to Zoom.com and join the meeting with this information:
Meeting ID: 849 6836 6097
Passcode: 576358One tap mobile
+13126266799,,84968366097#,,,,,,0#,,576358# US (Chicago)
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Facebook: Friends of the Logan Square Library, Chicago
Email: Friendsofthelogansquarelibrary@gmail.com