Writings From The Edge
Four years ago Janise Hurtig, coordinator for the Community Writing Project, an adult writing workshop program in several Chicago communities, teamed with Katy Linehan, adult services librarian at the Edgewater Branch Library, to begin a writing program for the community.
Participants — now numbering between 12 and 15 — meet at the Edgewater Branch (via Zoom now), every other Tuesday night. One member of the group, David Fleischman, shared these thoughts about the program:
When I heard of the Edgewater writing group, I joined it hoping to have a chance to share my thoughts and get feedback on stories that were swirling in my head. When I learned there is an in-house magazine, I was thrilled by the thought that I could get published. For that to become a reality has been a bucket-list item fulfilled.
The magazine, Writings from the Edge, a compilation of the group’s work, recently was published. You’re invited to read the submissions from the Edgewater group, as well as magazines produced by other groups. (See publications.)
Sue Cargill, an Edgewater writing group member, expressed her pleasure in Writings from the Edge. She said, "It's exciting to see your story in print and it's inspiring to read the work of fellow writers."
According to Janise, who has engaged with writers across Chicago-area communities for the past 21 years, the writing that emanates from Community Writing Project workshops is as diverse as the communities where writing groups are held.
Janise said, “Producing and circulating participants’ writing in an artfully produced magazine or booklet is a crucial facet of the CWP. We consider the magazines to be part of a larger flow of popular art and wisdom that emanates from the communities where the writers live and work.”
“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”
Katy initially was hesitant about hosting a writing workshop at the Edgewater Library because, she said, she never considered herself a writer. “It's now one of my favorite programs! I've enjoyed getting to know the participants in person and through their wonderful writing,” she said. “We have a lovely group of writers who participate and we are all so grateful to Friends of the Edgewater Library for funding our latest magazine."
Thanks to Friends’ member Joanne Kitsos and Edgewater Library’s Katy Linehan for contributing to this post.